Eucharistic adoration is the practice in which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by the faithful. When the exposure is constant (24 hours a day, seven days a week), it is called perpetual adoration. The practice of adoration began in the year 1226 and is still practiced today. Many adorations take place for special reasons, such as to pray for the cure of a sick person.
Please consider joining the family of adorers of Queen of the Holy Rosary and Immaculate Conception parishes. Many spiritual, material and physical blessings can be rewarded from this most precious time with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
First, login to Rotunda HERE.
Then, click on the months below to view open adoration hours.
Our perpetual adoration chapel is located on the south side of the church. Open hours are available. To sign up or volunteer, please contact Rosie Guetterman at [email protected] or (913) 980-4889 or Joanne Seck at (913) 980-9696.